Look. If someone doesn't get on to them, no one will. We must keep our Admins on their... toes?? so that The Consistency isn't left to ... some "Manual". We must do our parts or everything we've ever dreamed of will not come to be.
That's reminds me of a story, of my youth. You see, I had a Manual, a Monster manual for Second edition Dungeon and Dragons. Each day, I would flip thru the pages of my very aging, worn and tore manual until the pages started popping out.
In any case, the manual did nothing more gut provided guide lines and insight on the monsters. I did nothing on shapping my Campaigns into an Art form worth dragging six souls to my lair for seve to 10 hours of torment! :D
Plus, reading, to most people, is HARD. Why read a manual when you can... make youtube videos on how to make a "consistent", dispute-less wikia page, hmm?
That Leads me to my nex--
I'm so not a fan of this manual, since it seems speak in a very, very loose sense of perspective when refering to the Wikia of Undertale. To be honest, I don't want to same rules that applies to the ALL of the wiki, because I don't want to follow these guideline on my own page. Why bother giving me one if make s... no, It's the admistration's job to make sure people dot their T's and Cross there i's.
If the administration doesn't want to do their jobs, that's not my problem. In short, this Manual needs to be more Specific. Looking at the Manual cause me to set an appointment for the Eye doctor; reading the manual nearly blinded me. FIX. IT.