- Hey! Check it out!
- Yeah! heck it out!
- Buy(かう)
- You should buy ALL our stuff! [商品をみている時]
- Bratty! We're gonna be rich! [購入時]
- We're all $$$$$old out! Mee-YOW! [売り切れたものを買おうとした場合]
- Sell(うる)
- Thanks, but we, like, don't really need anything.
- えっと~ うちら とくに ほしいものは ないかな~
- Oh my god, can you go get us some Glamburgers?
- We don't. Really need. Anything.
- Wait! I'll pay you 1000G if you get Mettaton to autograph my butt!
- でも~! メタトンが おしりにサイン してくれたら 1000Gはらう!
- [グラマーバーガーがインベントリにある場合]
- Oh my God.
- Is that a Glamburger?
- OH MY GOD!!!
- GIMME!!!
- God, Catty.
- Try to have some self-control.
- Sorry...
- 'Cause they OBVIOUSLY brought that Glamburger for ME.
- NO WAYYY!!!!!
- Talk(話す)
- [About you two](2人について)
- I'm Bratty, and this is my best friend, Catty.
- あたし アリゲッティ。 このコは しんゆうの キャッティ。
- I'm Catty, and this is my best friend, Bratty.
- あたし キャッティ。 このコは しんゆうの アリゲッティ。
- [About your wares](しょうひんについて)
- The stuff inside, is like...
- TOTALLY wicked expensive.
- But, like, this stuff we found is like...
- TOTALLY wicked cheap.
- You should...
- Like...
- TOTALLY wicked buy all of it?
- TOTALLY wicked buy all of it?
- [Origin of wares](しょうひんは どこで しいれる?)
- I mean, like, where does anyone get guns, or food, or...
- てか ぶき とか たべものとか あるとこ っつったら~
- We found it in the garbage!
- It's GOOD garbage.
- It's like, really good garbage.
- [Origin of garbage](ゴミは どこで しいれる?)
- Where do we get the garbage?
- Like, the garbage store, duh!!!
- .....
- .....
- Waterfall mostly.
- I found a gun in a dumpster!
- ゴミばこに ピストルとか すててあって ヤバ~い!
- [ About Mettaton ](メタトンについて)
- Oh my God. Mettaton.
- He's like... My robot husband.
- Actually he's like... MY robot husband.
- I think we're like... both going to marry him.
- We're both like, ALREADY married to him.
- He just, like, doesn't know it yet.
- [Origin of Mettaton](メタトンは だれがつくった?)
- So, like, Dr. Alphys built Mettaton, right?
- てか~ メタトンて アルフィーが つくったん でしょ~?
- That's like, what they TELL you.
- But like... Mettaton always acts like...
- ... being built was HIS idea somehow.
- 「オレは オレのアイデア から うまれ たんだぜ~」 みたいな
- And even right after he was built...
- ... he acted like Alphys was an old friend.
- アルフィーとは ずっとまえから ともだちでした みたいな ノリだし~
- But they're like... Not friends anymore.
- でも~あの2人 もう ともだち じゃないん だよね~
- Yeah!!! Unlike me and Bratty!! Best friends for-EVER!!!
- しってる~! でも あたしと アリゲッティは ズッともだよ!
- [About Alphys](アルフィーについて)
- Oh my God. Alphys.
- Oh my god, ALPHYS.
- She used to live on our street.
- She was like a big sister.
- うちらの おねえちゃん みたいな かんじだった し~
- I mean, like, if your big sister...
- Takes you on trips to the dump.
- ゴミすてば とかに つれてって くれただけ だけど~
- She showed us the coolest places to find trash.
- でも~ いいゴミが みつかるばしょ おしえて くれたよね~
- She was always collecting these weird cartoons.
- あのコ~ へンな アニメみるの すきだった よね~
- Then she became the Royal Scientist...
- でも そのうち 王室の けんきゅうしゃ に なって~
- Yeah, we haven't seen her in forever...
- [Royal Scientist](王室のけんきゅうしゃ)
- So Alphys has always, like...
- Thought ASGORE is a SUPER cutie.
- アズゴアのこと 「めっちゃ カッコイイ」って いってて~
- So, like, I'm pretty sure she...
- Made Mettaton to, like, totally impress him.
- メタトン つくったのは~ アズゴアに ほめられ たかったから!
- A robot with a SOUL...
- That's, like, SUPER relevant to his hobbies!
- So after seeing Mettaton, ASGORE...
- Asked her to do all this science stuff for him!
- アルフィーを おしろによんで けんきゅうを まかせることに したわけ~
- But nobody's, like, seen anything from her yet.
- でもそのあと アルフィーって~ な~んも はつめい してなくない?
- Or... her at all...
- She must, like, just stay in her lab all day.
- Like, live a little, girl.
- マジで~ ちょっとは リアじゅう したほうが いいよね~
- Yeah!!! Like us!!!
- [About ASGORE](アズゴアについて)
- Oh my God. He's a total goober.
- He's a big, fuzzy goofball!!
- Like, I LOVE that guy.
- He's like, SO nice.
- God, we're like...
- God, we're like...
- SO hyped for the destruction of humanity.
- SO hyped for the destruction of humanity.
- [ バガパン ]
- Oh, that guy from the store?
- Yuck, what a creep.
- Yeah! He's a creep!
- But he's kind of cute, too...
- C'mon Catty, don't you have ANY standards?
- Nope!!!
- [More Burgerpants](バガパンについて詳細)
- OK, like, the annoying thing is...
- He'd be OK if he just treated us with some respect.
- But he just acts...
- Really weird.
- And then acts like it's OUR fault he acts that way!
- Like, when we asked him to get those Glamburgers...
- He dropped them and ran away before we could even say anything!
- We were, like, going to share them.
- Really?
- I wasn't.
- Catty!
- [B.Pants Hangout?](バガパンとデート?)
- Oh, uh...
- Yeah!!
- He should come look for junk with us!
- But like, if we let him hang out with us... I just worry it'll...
- ... be really super fun!
- Um, that was NOT what I was gonna say.
- But I was close, right !?
- [That Kind of Guy](あんな奴)
- Well, that kind of guy...
- You hang out with him once, then he wants to hang out...
- All.
- The.
- Time.
- But don't you feel bad for him, Bratty?
- Poor Burgerpants...
- Think about how cool we are compared to him!!!
- We'd be saving his LIFE with our friendship!!
- His LIFE, Bratty!!
- Uh, so?
- ...
- Think of all the glamburgers he could get for us!!
- ... so is he free after work?
- Exit(でる)
- Like, see you later!
- Like, later and stuff!