Undertale Japan Wiki
Undertale Japan Wiki

参考記事:http://undertale.wikia.com/wiki/Toby_Fox (Undertale Wikiより翻訳・加筆)

Toby "Radiation" Fox(1991年10月11日生まれ)[2]FwugRadiationという名義でも知られる作曲家、ゲーム開発者である。2015年に極めて多くの喝采を集めるRPG"Undertale"を開発し、そのゲームのサウンドトラックを制作した。うざいイヌはトビーのアバターである。




トビーは最初、テレビゲーム「MOTHER2」のファンサイトである"Starman.Net"のフォーラムメンバーとして"Radiation"という名義で活動を開始した。そのウェブサイトでトビーは2011年までPK Hackフォーラムを運営していた。[3]トビーが最初に世間に知られたのは、"Press the B Button, Stupid!"としても知られる悪名高き"EarthBound Halloween Hack"というROMハックの制作者としてだった。これはStarmen.Netの2008年のHalloween Funfestのために投稿されたものだった。[4][5][6]

また、トビーはウェブ漫画"Homestuck"のために音楽を制作した。その後、トビーはUndertaleの制作に取り掛かることになる。なお、Undertaleは部分的にはAndrew Hussie氏のベースメントで開発された。[7][8]


アルバム 収録トラック
Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead
"Liquid Negrocity", "The Ballad of Jack Noir" (Original Version)
Homestuck Vol. 4
"John Sleeps / Skaian Magicant", "Carefree Victory", "Atomyk Ebonpyre", "Black"
Homestuck Vol. 5
"Skaian Skirmish", "Savior of the Waking World", "Happy Cat Song!", "Hardchorale", "White", "Octoroon Rangoon", "Lotus Land Story", "Versus", "Dupliblaze COMAGMA", "Moonshatter", "Sunsetter", "Get Up", "Vertical Motion", "Amphibious Subterrain", "Snow Pollen", "Descend"
"Crustacean", "Showdown", "mIrAcLeS", "The Lemonsnout Turnabout", "Phaze and Blood", "psych0ruins", "Walls Covered In Blood", "dESPERADO ROCKET CHAIRS,", "Death of the Lusii", "Virgin Orb", "The La2t Frontiier", "Skaian Summoning", "Spider's Claw (Bonus)", "Staring (Bonus)", "Keepers (Bonus)"
"Squiddles the Movie Trailer - The Day the Unicorns Couldn't Play"
The Baby Is You
"THROGUH SONG", "IM HAVING A BABY, AND THE BABY IS YOU", "bootes", "ROSE PRAGNET (feat. ????)", "the rose rap (feat. von fawn)", "uh oh", "vs. bros", "A BABY IS BORN (feat. artemis251 as luigi, chorus singer, kid, and hella jeff)"
The Felt
"Humphrey's Lullaby", "English"
Homestuck for the Holidays
(December 25, 2010)
"Carefree Perigee"
Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent
"Umbral Ultimatum", "MeGaLoVania", "Gaia Queen", "Wacky Antics", "Nic Cage Song", "A Tender Moment"
"Karkat's Theme", "Terezi's Theme", "Vriska's Theme", "FIDUSPAWN, GO!", "Darling Kanaya", "Eridan's Theme", "Nautical Nightmare", "Nepeta's Theme", "Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!!", "Catapult Capuchin", "Science Seahorse", "A Fairy Battle", "The Blind Prophet", "AlterniaBound", "You Won A Combat", "Rest A While"
Homestuck Vol. 7: At the Price of Oblivion
"Terezi Owns", "Rumble at the Rink", "Earthsea Borealis"
The Wanderers
"Mayor Maynot", "Riches to Ruins Movements I & II", "Tomahawk Head"
Homestuck Vol. 8
(October 25, 2011)
"Love You (Feferi's Theme)", "Davesprite", "Frostbite", "The Lost Child", "Judgement Day", "Penumbra Phantasm" (featured in the third part of "Cascade")
Improvised Touhou Music with Annoying Commentary
"Girl's Pretty Dress Dress, Do Your Best Now", "Magical Hopalong Cassidy Station", "An Apple Disaster!"
I Miss You - EarthBound 2012
"Fallen Down", "A New Line", "Megalo Strike Back", "Checkerboard Memories"
coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A
"~~SIDE 1~~", "~~SIDE 2~~", "~~ADDITIONAL MAYHEM~~"
coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B
"~~SIDE 1~~", "~~SIDE 2~~", "~~ADDITIONAL MAYHEM~~"
"The Lordling"
Undertale Demo OST
"Once Upon a Time", "Menu", "Your Best Friend", "Fallen Down", "Ruins", "Anticipation", "Unnecessary Tension", "Enemy Approaching", "Ghost Fight", "Determination", "Home", "Heartache", "End", "Nyeh Heh Heh!", "Home (Music Box)", "Empty House"
UNDERTALE Soundtrack
"Once Upon a Time", "Start Menu", 'Your Best Friend", "Fallen Down", "Ruins", "Uwa!! So Temperate♫", "Anticipation", "Unnecessary Tension", "Enemy Approaching", "Ghost Fight", "Determination", "Home", "Home (Music Box)", "Heartache", "sans.", "Nyeh Heh Heh!", "Snowy", "Uwa!! So Holiday♫", "Dogbass", "Mysterious Place", "Dogsong", "Snowdin Town", "Shop", "Bonetrousle", "Dating Start!", "Dating Tense!", "Dating Fight!", "Premonition", "Danger Mystery", "Undyne", "Waterfall", "Run!", "Quiet Water", "Memory", "Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap", "Dummy!", "Pathetic House", "Spooktune", "Spookwave", "Ghouliday", "Chill", "Thundersnail", "Temmie Village", "Tem Shop", "NGAHHH!!", "Spear of Justice", "Ooo", "Alphys", "It's Showtime!", "Metal Crusher", "Another Medium", "Uwa!! So HEATS!!♫", "Stronger Monsters", "Hotel", "Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything", "Confession", "Live Report", "Death Report", "Spider Dance", "Wrong Enemy !?", "Oh! One True Love", "Oh! Dungeon", "It's Raining Somewhere Else", "CORE Approach", "CORE (Soundtrack)", "Last Episode!", "Oh My...", "Death by Glamour", "For The Fans", "Long Elevator", "Undertale", "Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans", "The Choice", "Small Shock", "Barrier", "Bergentrückung", "ASGORE", "You Idiot", "Your Best Nightmare", "Finale", "An Ending", "She's Playing Piano", "Here We Are", "Amalgam", "Fallen Down (Reprise)", "Don't Give Up", "Hopes and Dreams", "Burn in Despair!", "SAVE the World", "His Theme", "Final Power", "Reunited", "Menu (Full)", "Respite", "Bring It In, Guys!", "Last Goodbye", "But the Earth Refused to Die", "Battle Against a True Hero", "Power of "NEO"", "MEGALOVANIA", "Good Night"
[S] Collide.
"Oppa Toby Style"



  • トビー・フォックスはこのWikiの英語版のイヌのおとしものの記事を閲覧したことがある。[9]また、英語版のパピルスの記事での、パピルスはOctopimpから着想を得たキャラクターであると主張する荒らし行為についてコメントしたこともある。[10][11]
  • トビー・フォックスは自作のHalloween Hackを恥じており、件のROMハックについて"bad ROM hack with swears"(口汚い言葉のあるひどいROMハック)と評している。[12][13]
  • トビー・フォックスの公式ウェブサイトの内容はUndertaleのウェブサイトへのリンクへと置き換わってしまっているが、そのウェブサイトのトビーが作曲した音楽が置かれたページは現存している。何らかの理由から、URLを"musics"ではなく"msuics"に書き間違えている。これは恐らく『としょんか』("LIBRARBY")と同じことではないかと考えられる。
  • トビーの名前がundertale内で使われている事例があり、ニンゲンが落ちてきた山の名称がそれである。公式日本語版では「イビト山」英語版/非公式日本語版では「Mt.Ebot」「エボット山」となっている。これはトビー氏の名前を逆さまにしてもじったものである。



  1. "If you're going to post pictures of me, just make it this one."(私の写真を投稿したいなら、この写真を使ってくれ) - トビー・フォックス(2016年1月31日) Twitter
  2. "I hadn't planned on saying anything, but I guess it's no secret I turned 24 today"(何か言おうと考えていたわけではなかったけれど、隠すことでもないと思うから言うが私は今日24歳になった) - トビー・フォックス(2015年10月11日)Twitter
  3. https://forum.starmen.net/members/473
  4. "Okay, finally finished. After wayyy over 140 hours (I spent hours every day since 9-12, yeah some days I didn’t do stuff but some days I was up until 12 since after school) I have finished my hack. Eeeeek." - Toby Fox(2008年11月1日)Starmen.Net
  5. "This is the censored version of my hack. Technically they are exactly the same except for some swears near the end, but if you don't mind or are judging, I highly suggest you play the version provided at the following URL: http://forum.starmen.net/forum_attachments/0007/0301/radiationhalloweenhack.zip Otherwise, this hack is NOT appropriate for you." - Toby Fox(2008年11月6日)Starmen.Net Halloween Funfest 2008
  6. "Today is Halloween, so it’s a good time to post some Halloweeny stuff! So my obvious choice was Radiation’s Halloween hack of EarthBound from last year." - Mato(2009年10月31日)EarthBound Central
  7. "@andrewhussie THANKS ANDREW!!! and i said it before but thanks for letting me start making undertale in your basement"(ありがとう、Andrew!!! それと、これは前にも言ったけれど、あなたのベースメントでUndertaleを作り始めさせてくれて感謝している) - Toby Fox(2015年9月15日)Twitter
  8. "Actually, yes, he literally spent a period of time developing Undertale in my basement. I have always assumed this is why he titled the game as such." - Andrew Hussie(2015年12月25日)Kickstarter
  9. "about me" - Toby Fox(2015年11月2日)Twitter
  10. "uhhhhhhhh........ no LOL? deconfirmed?" - Toby Fox(2015年11月4日)Twitter
  11. "Going off the information given, I was banned from the Undertale Wiki yesterday (Nov. 2nd, 2015) for adding false information to page for the character Papyrus, where I added to the Trivia section that he was based off the YouTube Octopimp. Alongside the claim, I provided a link to a now-defunct live stream for the YouTube channel Game Grumps. However, yesterday, the creator of Undertale, Toby Fox, said on Twitter that this wasn't true, with Octopimp later following suit and also saying it was false. I was later banned from Undertale Wiki for adding said false information, with the accusation from replies to Toby's tweet that I was a troll." - GamingFanatic(2015年11月4日) Wikia
  12. "Fan theories are fun but I feel embarrassed whenever someone calls attention to something I did when I was 16"(ファンの考察は楽しいけれど、誰かが私が16歳にやったことに注目させようとするといつも恥ずかしさを感じる) - Toby Fox(2016年2月9日)Twitter
  13. "I guess I should just accept "bad rom hack with swears" as part of my eternal legacy"(私が遺したものの中に「口汚い言葉のあるひどいROMハック」があることを私は受け入れるべきなんだと思う) - Toby Fox(2016年2月9日)Twitter