This page is dedicated to items that were cut from Undertale.
List of cut items[]
ID | Name | Short name | Serious name | Effects | Sell | Negotiate | Flavor text | Use text |
Invalid value | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Not sellable | If you are reading this, I messed up somehow. | N/A | |
2 | Croquet Roll | CroqtRoll | CroqtRoll | Heals 15 HP | 10G | 11G, 15G | Fried dough traditionally served with a mallet. | You hit the Croquet Roll into your mouth. |
5 | Rock Candy | RockCandy | RockCandy | Heals 1 HP | 3G | 4G, 6G | Here is a recipe to make this at home: 1. Find a rock |
You ate the Rock Candy |
6 | Pumpkin Rings | PunkRings | PmknRings | Heals 8 HP | 3G | 4G, 6G | A small pumpkin cooked like onion rings. | You ate the Pumpkin Rings. |
8 | Stoic Onion | StocOnoin | Onion | Heals 5 HP | 10G | 11G, 15G | Even eating it raw, the tears just won't come. | You ate the Stoic Onion. You didn't cry... |
9 | Ghost Fruit | GhostFrut | GhstFruit | Heals 16 HP | 10G | 11G, 15G | If eaten, it will never pass to the other side. | You ate the Ghost Fruit. |
18 | Puppydough Icecream | PDIceCram | Ice Cream | Heals 28 HP | 2G | 3G, 5G | Made by young pups. | Mmm! Tastes like puppies. |
- Rock Candy can be found in an inaccessible room. When interacting with the bowl, the prompt "Take them all" appears; however, due to the Rock Candy's immense weight, only one can be taken from the bowl.
- This room is also present and inaccessible in the Undertale Demo, referred to as room_ruins12B_old internally. It was replaced with the Ruins Spider Bake Sale.
- A code comment in the Undertale Demo implies that the Rock Candy was previously named Ancient Toffee.
- Puppydough Icecream's name is too long for it to be displayed properly while using boxes.
- When eaten, the Ghost Fruit makes the unused "
" sound, which was also used in the Undertale Kickstarter video.