Undertale Wiki

Welcome to MTT Resort - Hotland's biggest apartment-building-turned-hotel!

Diamond Receptionist

The MTT Resort is a hotel and entertainment center run by Mettaton in Hotland. It is directly connected to the CORE.


  • Bratty and Catty can be found in the alley to the right of the Resort.
  • The Resort houses a dine-in restaurant and the MTT-Brand Burger Emporium, where Burgerpants works.
  • The protagonist can stay at one of the rooms in the Resort as well as act as room service to the neighboring rooms.

Main Story[]

Neutral Route[]

If the protagonist does not kill Papyrus, Sans invites them to dinner at the Resort's restaurant, telling a story about how he contacted an old woman through the door separating the Ruins from the rest of the Underground. He says that they used to make bad jokes for a long time, and promised to her that he would protect any human entering the Underground.

True Pacifist Route[]

In the True Pacifist Epilogue, the Resort is set to close indefinitely thanks to everyone leaving for the Surface.

Genocide Route[]

The entire Resort is evacuated, and no NPCs are present except for Burgerpants, who seems to be uncaring about the state of the Resort and the Underground as a whole.


MTT Resort location lobby

Lobby of the MTT Resort

There is an elevator in the lobby that leads to New Home, but it is always either broken or in use if the player tries to use it.

There are four doors to the right of the lobby requesting room service:

  • Door 1: Sea Tea - Reward: 99 G.
  • Door 2: Locked. The protagonist can sleep in this room for 200 G, yielding a similar effect to resting at Snowed Inn. However, unlike the Snowed Inn, the money is not returned to them.
  • Door 3: Cinnamon Bun - Reward: 99 G.
  • Door 4: There is a dog behind this door. Handing over any of the listed items rewards a response, and, in most cases, an item.
    • Hot Dog: The dog repeatedly attempts to grab the Hot Dog, eventually succeeding. Reward: Hush Puppy.
    • Dog Residue: The Dog Residue slides under the door, and 2 more Dog Residues slide out. Reward: 2 Dog Residues.
      • If the player has a full inventory, the single dog residue shoots back out. Reward: None (the Dog Residue is given back).
    • Hot Cat: The dog growls at the Hot Cat and rejects it. Reward: None (the Hot Cat is given back).
    • Dog Salad: The item gets absorbed by the darkness. No reward.
    • All other items: The dog does not accept any other items.

In the True Pacifist Epilogue, if items were never given to doors 1 or 3, interacting with them triggers the message "Room service never came. (Sigh...)"

To the left of the lobby is a restaurant, and nearby is a stage that holds performances of comedians such as Sans and Snowdrake's Father.

MTT-Brand Burger Emporium[]

Inside the resort is the MTT-Brand Burger Emporium, where Burgerpants can be found. Here, one can buy healing items that boost ratings during the fight against Mettaton EX.

Item Description Effect (HP) Rating points Cost
Starfait Very popular food. +14HP +300 rating points 60G
Glamburger Very popular food. +27 HP +500 rating points 120G
Legendary Hero Hero Sandwich. ATTACK UP in battle. +40 HP +300 rating points 300G
Steak in the Shape of Mettaton's Face Don't ask. Please. +60 HP +700 rating points 500G



  • The Resort's fountain has an inscription that implies it was once a royal memorial built in 201X.[1]
  • There is a sign in the black void to the right of the hallway that advertises the Art Club Room.
  • The Mettaton fountain in the lobby has regular eyes instead of his usual grid-shaped screen.
  • The MTT-Brand Burger Emporium, Gerson's shop, and the Tem Shop are the only shops with working employees in the Genocide Route.
  • If the protagonist moves while under the covers of the hotel room bed a funky beat plays, but only while they are moving. If they move to the edge of the bed, they slide out from beneath the blankets and fall to the floor. It is impossible to get back on the bed once the protagonist has gotten off.[2]


  1. Royal Memorial Fountain | Built 201X | (Mettaton Added Last Week) - Narration upon inspecting the Resort fountain.
  2. UNDERTALE - MTT Resort Bed Beat - Vimeo
