狗狗神社(The Dog Shrine)是一个Undertale中在 PlayStation 4、PlayStation Vita、Nintendo Switch、Xbox One和Xbox Series X|S版上独有的地点,里面有一个给烦人的狗的捐款箱。只需要钻进Papyrus的厨房里的水槽就可以进入。
- 在PlayStation 4和PlayStation Vita版上,狗狗神社中有一个烦人的狗的圣像,主角可以给它捐款。
- 在Nintendo Switch版上,神社被摧毁了,里面有一个和Nintendo Switch Joy-con颜色一样,红蓝色搭配的门。门后有游戏中唯一的小Boss 愤怒喵喵。
- 在Xbox版上,神社会补充一个赌场, 在老虎机上很重要的新币种"Coin's"和一个捐款箱,可以多次升级到500C。
当第一次打开神社的门时,一只狗正在啃 Papyrus水槽里的的骨头,然后被Papyrus赶走了。接着Sans的房间打开了,它在吹它的长号来糟蹋糟蹋Papyrus。
- (2 GOLD)狗狗买了一串彩灯。
- (4 GOLD)狗狗决定买一些团子,可买了之后它咬了一口就不喜欢了。
- (6 GOLD)狗狗买了一个充气式吉祥物,就像在汽车店里看到的那种。
- (8 GOLD)狗狗偷来了一张Papyrus在做意大利面的照片。
- (10 GOLD)狗狗扩大了神庙本身的大小。
- (13 GOLD)狗狗买了一个音响,可以切换音乐。
- (16 GOLD)狗狗买了一个电子游戏光盘。
- (19 GOLD)狗狗偷来了一张Papyrus在追赶摄影师的照片。
- (22 GOLD) 狗狗放了一根绳子到神社里。
- (25 GOLD)神社本体被扩大了。
- (30 GOLD)狗狗添加了一个狗粮发射器。
- (35 GOLD)狗狗在神社里添加了一个“蓝图”。
- (40 GOLD)狗狗又放了一根比原来更短的绳子到神社里。
- (50 GOLD) 狗狗试着给它的神社申请官方认证。
- (70 GOLD)狗狗最后一次升级了它的神社大小。
Nintendo Switch平台[]
在Nintendo Switch版上,不能通过捐款来升级神社,狗神神社似乎不仅被抛弃还被摧毁了,在房间的北边有一个和Nintendo Switch Joy-con颜色一样,红蓝色搭配的门,这个门被一把锁锁住了,在击败 Mettaton EX后自然解锁,门内有一个可以与其互动来触发战斗的愤怒喵喵玩偶。
在Xbox版上,被摧毁的Nintendo Switch神社被烦人的狗用推土机推掉了,然后换成了一块告示牌,自动兑币机,捐款箱和一个投币机。投币机允许主角给自动兑币机投"Coin's" (25G等于5C)来获得更多,告示牌上列出了PlayStation平台的所有捐款级别:
数额 | 奖励 | 结果 |
捐款10C | 游戏桌 | Sans(在Mettaton和愤怒喵喵被击败后)将出现在一个超高的游戏桌后,因为这个游戏桌太高导致它根本用不了,他可以评价主角上次刚刚的各种行为。[1][2] |
捐款25C | 游戏主机 | 一个“GamerBOX游戏机系统”将出现在房间中,声称它有着特别的虚拟贩卖机,但不会给现实带来任何改变。Sans说,人们可以观看游戏实况,而不是自己去玩。愤怒喵喵注意到那个虚拟贩卖机的接口和它的身体连接,把在偷玩偶时的它吓的不轻。 |
捐款50C | 2个汉堡 | 一个MTT牌快餐盒将出现在房间中,盒子里有着满是番茄酱和面包的游戏机。Sans说它在MTT度假村说双关笑话 把国王笑得根本停不下来,然后就被打断了。愤怒喵喵提到,她曾经从汉堡裤的菜单上剪下的几张Mettaton照片,然后换成自己的照片。 |
捐款100C | 蛇盔 | 一个没被人戴但被称为被反着戴的棒球帽将出现在房间中,这个棒球帽虽没有被人戴过,但旁白称”但在这个语境下它毫无疑问就是倒着的“。Sans戴着遮阳帽,说他不会戴这个棒球帽,因为他没戴帽子,因为他"刚刚梳过头",没戴帽子,愤怒喵喵说,如果安黛因戴帽子会很好看,但安黛因的头发估计很难戴上一个反着的帽子。 |
捐款200C | 自由象征 | 一个饱受战争蹂躏的游戏玩家条约,其中列出了“仅存在50个好游戏”出现在房间中。Sans implies that it was written by Toriel and that her top recommendation is "the same rpg as always" which he would get "if it ever came out on gamerbox." Mad Mew Mew claims that anything she does is canon to Mew Mew, relaying a story about blowing smoke due to the doll's shoddy design. |
捐款350C | !跳舞者 | A GamerBOX GameCamera (resembling an Xbox Kinect) appears next to the GamerBOX. It comes bundled with "MTT Dance Off", a game where the player loses if they stop applauding Mettaton. Sans notes Papyrus has been taking selfies and editing muscles into them, a "glimpse of the future." Mad Mew Mew refuses to take a selfie with the protagonist using it. |
捐款500C | 画质升级 | Coins won by the slot machine now appear in the overworld and bounce around Undertale's game screen for a few minutes or until the protagonist leaves. |
3个樱桃 | 补药 | Several cherry-flavored GamerBlood Energy Drinks appear in the room, which contain vitamins B1 through the nonexistent B5, caffeine, and "whatever vitamins are in radioactive waste." Sans notes that Alphys used to drink a lot of them. Mad Mew Mew mentions that Burgerpants refuses to give her "a battery smoothie." |
3个幽灵 | M.票 | An incorporeal ticket for "a live Gaming Performance" from Mettaton appears in the room. Sans notes that Mettaton always uses mods to make the main character in the game into Mettaton, but most animations aren't modded properly. Mad Mew Mew implies she stole it from Napstablook due to the complicated relationship between them and Mettaton. |
3个骨头 | 护肤霜 | Various beautification skin creams appear in the room. Sans notes that Papyrus uses a lot of these, despite not having skin. Mad Mew Mew implies she eats skin cream and has attempted to "re-screw" Burgerpants's head on after he refused to make her ice cream from it. |
犭句(原文如此) | 1/35 雕像 | A statue of the Annoying Dog in a suit advertising fried dog food appears in the room. It "feels" like the protagonist puts something in the dog's hands which could solve a puzzle, but actually has no effect beyond that feeling. Sans claims that fried food is unhealthy, making an implicit reference to his "fried snow" joke in Snowdin Forest. Mad Mew Mew suggests it could be a good body for Napstablook, noting its potential knife-holding abilities. |
There are several additional effects not initially listed on the sign:
- "More HD for every 250C held" is listed after donating 500C. This results in additional particles appearing when winning with the slot machine, increasing to 2 per coin at 250C, 3 at 500C, etc.
- Sans and Mad Mew Mew comment on the "fuzz" flying around if enough of it is on the screen.[3]
- Attempting to donate more than 500C results in the extra C being returned to the protagonist as G at a 1:1 ratio.
- Attempting to play poker with Sans is rejected because the table is too tall. Sans says he should put up a sign; on reentry, the sign is revealed to be a cardboard cutout of Sans, vertically stretched with JPEG artifacting. It claims that one must be as tall as the cutout (and JPEG artifacted) to play poker. If Sans is talked to about it, he talks about how Papyrus didn't find the previous height of the sink "challenging enough" and how Papyrus doesn't take shortcuts.[需來源引用] Mad Mew Mew only acknowledges the sign's existence, although defeating Mettaton without acquiring the sign causes it to appear anyway and Mad Mew Mew to say she found it herself.
Xbox版的赌场The slot machine awards different amounts of C for different matching patterns, starting from the left:[4]
- 一个樱桃:2C
- 两个樱桃:5C
- 三个樱桃:10C
- 三个幽灵:20C
- 三个骨头:30C
- At random,[需來源引用] an "Ikari Bonus": 20C, can combine with near bonus or a single cherry.
- 狗:75C
- 777: 7C. The slot machine slows down until the next triple match or 'DOG'.
- Three dog faces ("Dog Jackpot"): 150C or 170C and a jingle resembling Dogsong.
- Two of anything but cherries ("Near Bonus"): 1C, a refund.
在Nintendo Switch版本上,红蓝配色的门后有一个有着愤怒喵喵的房间。
- 在PC版游戏中可以找到PlayStation版狗狗神社的文件,这或许是因为PlayStation版本的狗狗神社开发工作是基于PC版完成的,因为其中还包含了漏洞修复,所以发布更新时只是隐藏了狗狗神社,而没有删除。
- Xbox版狗狗神社中的“赌博”元素导致Undertale Xbox版的年龄分级从十岁以上(E10+)被提升至青少年,不过后来又被改回了E10+。[5]
- 在Xbox版本中的狗狗神社中,Sans曾经提及"鹿角女孩和她的大姊姊(the antlered girl and her big sis,)",这可能是指DELTARUNE中的Noelle和她的姊姊Dess。
- ↑ Undertale Xbox One平台狗狗神社sans的所有对话。 - YouTube
- ↑ (video) - @BigBimbo666 發布於 X - 2021/03/16
- ↑ Undertale Xbox One Dog Shrine Fuzz Dialogue - YouTube
- ↑ Screenshots from Xbox One version - Imgur 30th March 2021
- ↑ Undertale - ESRB